A Manifesto Of Sorts

I believe in...
  1. Sharing our weirdness, failings, fumblings, consternations, joys, miseries and downright freakishness
  2. Rescuing felines
  3. Eating dessert daily
  4. Listening to as many types of music as we can
  5. A good book, a magazine, a reading light and a comfy bed
  6. Photography as a necessity
  7. Alone time
  8. Nap time
  9. Friend time
  10. Movie marathons
  11. Wild nail colors on your toes
  12. Saving ticket stubs
  13. Traveling near & far & as often as possible
  14. Purses that will hold at least two cameras along with all my other lady stuff
  15. Cursing
  16. Sarcasm
  17. Writing
  18. Water with lemon
  19. Bad movies
  20. Missteps
  21. Allowing inspiration to seep in from anywhere
  22. A hearty, hot meal on a cold, dark night
  23. Truth-telling (especially about yourself)
  24. Pizza as the food of the gods
  25. List-making
  26. Note-taking
  27. Breakfast 24/7
  28. Cheap art
  29. Throw pillows
  30. Day dreaming
  31. Celebrating ourselves
  32. Library cards
  33. Laughter
  34. Community
  35. Doing new things
  36. Listening
  37. Learning
  38. Growing
  39. Understanding the past
  40. Galloping into the future


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