I believe in...
- Sharing our weirdness, failings, fumblings, consternations, joys, miseries and downright freakishness
- Rescuing felines
- Eating dessert daily
- Listening to as many types of music as we can
- A good book, a magazine, a reading light and a comfy bed
- Photography as a necessity
- Alone time
- Nap time
- Friend time
- Movie marathons
- Wild nail colors on your toes
- Saving ticket stubs
- Traveling near & far & as often as possible
- Purses that will hold at least two cameras along with all my other lady stuff
- Cursing
- Sarcasm
- Writing
- Water with lemon
- Bad movies
- Missteps
- Allowing inspiration to seep in from anywhere
- A hearty, hot meal on a cold, dark night
- Truth-telling (especially about yourself)
- Pizza as the food of the gods
- List-making
- Note-taking
- Breakfast 24/7
- Cheap art
- Throw pillows
- Day dreaming
- Celebrating ourselves
- Library cards
- Laughter
- Community
- Doing new things
- Listening
- Learning
- Growing
- Understanding the past
- Galloping into the future