Friday, March 30, 2007


You know what internet? I've had a weird month. There's been a vague sense of intestinal illness hovering about me all March long. It's irritating. I can't seem to regulate the bloating, farting, going-to-the-bathroom, not-going-to-the-bathroom stuff. I've taken so much stuff to settle my stomach in the last 30 days that I, personally, could keep the Tums and Rolaids people afloat.

I even had to take two days off just for all the farting. It was honestly gas that you would not believe. What do you mean, why am I telling you this? It's Friday morning, stop pretending you've got something better to do. Ok?

Anyway, it was insane. The entire two days I was off I thought something bigger and badder had to be coming, but it never did. I finally took Immodium just to stop the bloat-fart cycle. Unfortunately it also stopped another cycle, which lead to one interesting night a couple of weeks ago.

About four months ago I got recommendations from my gyno for a GP. I sent an email to one (who takes my insurance) to get an appointment, but never heard anything. I was trying to avoid talking to anybody if I didn't have to, but now I suppose I've got no choice.



Lenny said...

"Interesting nights" like that = pure torture. Yuck.

Anonymous said...

Oh you poor thing!! I hope you can get an appt. soon. Have you looked up any of those symptoms on sometimes that site helps me. Hope you feel better soon!!

scott said...

I believe it's something bad in yoru diet and your body has enough of it- whatever it is.. too much fiber can sometimes be a problem too.

you still do flickr??

Malnurtured Snay said...

"All the farting"


Hope April is going better for you.


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