Thursday, January 24, 2008

Just A Little Bit Of Joy

While filling out a tedious job application just moments ago and getting really bored on page 3 of the thing, I saw a reverse Tux (meaning mostly black with white patches) crawling slowly through the yard next door. It made me smile a little.


Mahala said...

awww :)

Citygirl said...

I know. Isn't the story just too cute to be real?

Godinla said...

Well, well, well...Citygirl. I was (still am) an admirer of Miss Tracey Nolan, now I am an admirer of you. I honestly did my best to read some of your posts but I am colorblind and your color scheme throws me off completely (especially the titles - I couldn't read ANY of them). It's not you, it's me. Not the first time I've had this problem and it won't be the last.

Drop by and visit my place, if you're in the mood for total nonsense and mind altering stupidity. I'll drop in here from time to time to attempt to read yours.


Ron Bramlett said...


He looks like he's up to something! Watch out!

Citygirl said...

Tell me about it!


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