Friday, November 02, 2012

Happy Friday! Oh, The Languor...

Ever since HUBS went back to work I've gotten a schedule down that I'll need to break soon. I wake up, exercise (good), make breakfast (great) and then spend the day watching movies (not so great). It's such a routine now, that if I try not watching movies, I feel antsy.

I know. This is avoidance. I have lots of things I need to get to work on. After six weeks of taking care of HUBS, I'm behind on a lot of stuff. But, for some reason, losing myself and my cares in film after film feels...Better.

On the upside, I have seen some good movies (Mancora, Adrift, Undertow, Brokeback Mountain, Leaving, In A Day, A French Gigolo...All available on Netflix instant, by the way.) The downside, of course, is that I'm in the house neglecting real world responsibilities.

Monday, Lordy, I swear, Monday I'm doing better. Now, shall we look around online?

1) I know Halloween is over, but did you realize that there are several penis-themed costumes?

2) I've been carrying one of these safety keychains on my morning walks around my (tad sketchy) neighborhood. Ladies, you can be safe and stylish!

3) How did these happen? How!?

4) Did you know that there are giant Polaroid cameras that anyone can pay to use?

5) If you like historical movies, Lincoln will be a good bet when it comes out next weekend. HUBS and I saw a pre-screening last week and were pretty impressed.

Enjoy the weekend!


Unknown said...

It is easy to get caught up in a routine. I have mine, but it is set like a work schedule. It allows me to prioritize what I can do when and allows me to have time with my family when they are done with school and work.

Those cat key chains are nice. They don't look menacing which can give you an advantage in bad situations.

A.K.Andrew said...

Don't give up - sometimes things just take a while. Meanwhile thanks for introducing me to the cat keychains - what a great idea. Hope you're having a good weekend.

Anonymous said...

Haha, those pregnancy photo's are just too.....appalling!!!
Thank yo for the laugh and good luck with getting that motivation mojo back :)

Susan P. Cooper said...

I always find something that makes me laugh on your Friday posts. This was no exception.

Citygirl said...

Jon & A.K.: Thanks for the support! Glad you like the keychains. I love mine!

Becc: My motivation mojo always lies in just gritting my teeth and doing stuff. I started yesterday!

Susan: I do try to entertain on occasion. Glad it works!


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