Wednesday, December 28, 2011

5 Blogs That Rock My World


We can all already agree that the internet is awesome. Pretty much everything that doesn't involve actual human contact (and some things that do) can be done online.

With such awesomeness comes a host of favorites. My blog bookmarks alone number in the hundreds (I know!), but that doesn't mean I don't have a few sites I need to visit on a regular basis. Here's my list of recent blog discoveries that make being online a lot more fun.

5 Blogs That Rock My World

1) Eat the Damn Cake: Kate talks about her life and times in the best way possible. She's funny, frank, inquisitive, clearly a good listener and a great writer. Kate's also not afraid to talk about embarrassing stuff and body image issues in ways that make her seem like your smart best friend. Anybody who's ever cried over the size of their thighs will like her a lot.

2) Pink of Perfection: Lordy, I love this blog! I find it so...soothing. Sarah writes about a lot of things (cooking, entertaining, lovely products to try...), but mostly she writes about trying to create a wonderful life filled with more of what enriches you and less of what drains you. Honestly, if you need to feel at peace, reading this cozy confection will set you straight.

3) Pop Candy: By now you should all know that I'm addicted to pop culture. Music, movies, TV, books, magazines and celebrity morsels are my life source. I love this blog so much that it's in my Google Reader, on this blog's sidebar and on my phone via the Pop Candy app. If you want all the top info on any media worth consuming, you need Whitney and her blog in your life. Need, people. Need!

4) Stylish Thought: At first glance Fajr's site looks like your standard fashion/style blog, but it's more than that. Her tag line (rethink style, rethink life) really exemplifies what Stylish Thought is about. Lifestyle and career advice, fashion inspiration and classic quotes to keep you moving through the trials of life...It's all here folks, and wrapped up with a pretty pin-up bow.

5) Vintage Black Glamour: Alright, I'm cheating a bit on this one, since it's not so much a blog as it is a tumblr. But! It's place on this list is merited, friends. I can't tell you how much it means as an African American woman to have so many inspiring images of (often) accomplished black folks in one spot. As a bonus, the photos are usually accompanied by brief histories on those shown. Learning and gloriously fashionable black people? I'll take it!

What blogs started rocking your world this year?


Anonymous said...

Oh I love Pop Candy! I have been reading that a long time.

My other favorites that you might like are:

RaeBeth McGee-Buda said...

Thanks for posting the list. I'll have to check them out. I'm always looking for new blogs to follow and new friends within the blogging world.

crystalogormanwrites said...

Thanks for the heads up! Must check these out :)

Citygirl said...

Sugar: I'm really digging The Hairpin. Did you see that article on Cary Grant? Fab.

RaeBeth & Crystal: Thanks for visiting! I'll be checking out your blogs, too.


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