Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Voice: Questions

... But I'm sure they got it from NBC.

1) Why do the judges insist on making their best singers team up? Sure, it leads to great performances like last week's Jessie Campbell vs. Anthony Evans, but then they end up having to get rid of one of their best singers. I say, pair your best up with the only O.K. voices so you get to weed them out and make your team even stronger. Duh.

2) Why is Adam Levine dressing like someone's deranged great-grandpa? Is he trying to convince us that he's not a smug bastard?


3) Why does Blake only choose the singers who are mentored by his wife, Miranda Lambert? Last week he chose RaeLynn (the singer he actually said reminded him of a young version of his wife) even though she did not come through during her battle song at all. He chose Miranda's coachee this week as well. Is this really the precedent you want to set, Blake? Because your team will end up suffering and you will not win!


4) Is anyone else having trouble listening to Christina in her current outfit of choice? I try, but then I get distracted by alternating eye-fulls of boobie-liciousness and that insane UFO fascinator she's rockin'. She has got to change next week!

5) When will Cee Lo announce that he and Purrfect the Cat are actually married and have two litters of bald kittens? I suppose this interview may have to stand as proof enough.

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