Monday, April 02, 2012

Music Monday: Getting Around

It was a nice weekend folks. We got out, took a road trip, ate some good food, saw a movie and did some different things. Here's our weekend by the numbers...

96.4 - Miles driven each way
1 - Number of road trips taken
4 - Hours in the car
3 - Meals eaten away from home
2 - Live turtles trying to cross the road at different points in Illinois
2 - Number of cars from opposing lane of traffic that drove toward me head on in an attempt to pass the car in front of them
0 - Pant wettings when the aforementioned terror occurred...but it was very, very close
3 - Farm equipment graveyards passed

1 - Home of Popeye driven through
4 - Times I got teary-eyed during Hunger Games
5 - Instances the dystopian future of Hunger Games made me angry
2 - Arguments had
1 - Nap taken
5 - Desserts eaten

So, how was your weekend?

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