Monday, April 15, 2013

Music Monday: This Might Work Out

Ah, rainy, cool Monday. How is everyone today? I, for one, am getting things done like gangbusters. Last night I started a to-do list for today, but instead of stopping at daily, shop-keeping things, I decided to add a couple of things that can be completed in one shot from my two lists of goals for the year.

Isn't that a great idea? I can hear you saying Yes, and I can also hear you asking me why I didn't think about doing this before. My answer is two-fold: a) My brain is broken, and b) I'm also a weirdo, know...

I also thought it would be a good idea to spread things out over several days. Usually I make a relatively short list day by day and try to keep an idea of future to-dos in my head, but, well, you must know where I'm going with this. I CAN ABSOLUTELY NEVER KEEP FUTURE TO-DOS IN MY HEAD. It's just too hard. So, something finally clicked in my sick, sad brain and I decided to write things down for the next day of the week once I fill up whatever day I'm working on with stuff-to-do.

I know! It's like I turned into a to-do list genius over the weekend! Yaaaaaayyyy!!

Now, let's do some music!

What are you getting done lately?


A.K.Andrew said...

To do lists are like plans - the first thing to go is the plan. I try them all kinds of ways, cos there's no way I'm going to remember them. Long term planning is great, but life happens so it's nothing to get hung up about if it doesn't work out. But good for you on making progress. We do surprise ourselves sometimes. Thanks for the vids. especially The Coup.

Trinidad Pena said...

I love that to-do list tip! And the videos. Thanks for this post!

Susan P. Cooper said...

I would be lost without a to do list... LOL. If I don't write it down it seems to disappear.. I love your tips and as always your play list. :-)

JeriWB said...

I've always been a big list-maker, since like you, if I don't write the future stuff down, it falls on the wayside. The big list currently in the works is the moving list of all that needs to get done before I relocate again ;) Thanks for The Coup video.

Anita said...

i am a list maker too...:) its always comforting to have a list isn't it.
It doesn't matter now much of it you get done. But generally it is more than when you don't have one. LOVE LOVE THE SONGS...

Anonymous said...

You do crack me up you weirdo! My to do list tends to be a waste of time. I get it written, but most things do not get ticked off, so I dislike them a lot :)

Citygirl said...

A.K.: So true. I've come to accept that sometimes my list will simply not get done. But it still feels good when I can cross things off!

Trinidad: Glad it helps! Thanks for visiting!

Susan: Yup, I've learned my lesson about not writing things down. Those ideas will evaporate faster than you can say "What was I gonna do, again?"

Jeri: You're relocating AGAIN? You are much stronger than I am, lady!

Anita: Right! I absolutely get more done when there's a list. Thanks for stopping by :)

Becc: I wish I were a fly by the seat of my pants person. Without a list I just sit on my ass all day watching TV and reading!

Unknown said...

"I drink honey straight from the beehive"...the RZA and BlackKeys is my new school version of Ego Trippin by Nikki Giovanni, I keep it on my motivational playlist! I hope you don't mind when you see it on my blog, it's a part of a draft I have working! As for the to-do-list, great advice. I have been participating in a campaign by Essence blogger, Nicole Melton, called Map My Month. I needed a to-do-list more than I knew!


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